Friday, January 8, 2010

The Gatekeepers message for the New Year 2010

Welcome to your New Year. We are very glad to be back; to be hosted once again by this channel! Also, we welcome the opportunity to bring you our ‘take’ on the energy right now and for the coming few months, for there are great changes afoot – no surprises there really! We will be giving you a ‘heads up’ as to how you might feel in the next few months and what the themes are.

This is a time of great amounts of energy available to you and of course, as ever, this could go either way. So you may either career forward into new and very brilliant and positive changes in your life, or you may choose to go the other way! Of course, this won’t be intentional- but if you do not keep a handle on your ego, then you may find that some of the old patterns surface! Because more energy is currently available and increasingly so in the next few months, you may find that there is a fast and slippery slope to contend with. We tell you this not to cause you too much concern or fear, but simply to inform you, for forewarned is forearmed we believe! You will then be able to watch out for your old patterns and be aware of your thoughts and your tendency towards dramatizing situations which have a large emotional content. So, be aware – this is all that we are talking about – increasing your awareness and keeping yourself focused on yourself- watching that ‘head talk’ and again -we don’t say this to constrain you or limit you, but simply to help you to get into more of a habit with this self awareness, so that you are on top of things, and above all you are aware of what you are thinking! The more you are able to do this and not fall into the old patterns, the old dramas, then the more energy will be available for you to create new and very wonderful things for your selves.

So, this is the potential now, you are so much more than on the brink now, you are actually stepping into the new and Promised Land! We tell you this so that you can start to manifest your dreams – you will have in many ways, made significant moves towards your dreams, but now it is time to go full pelt into them – no holds barred! Because the energy is so powerful, dynamic and available to you, this is why we are giving you an insight about not doing things in the old way! Your egos are responding, they are learning new patterns, but there is still a way to go yet, with this. There is still a way to go with keeping your head talk in check and with keeping your fear under control. Although there has been much releasing, there is still a tendency to go into the fear rather than simply release it. Going into the fear of course re-creates it and therefore prolongs it. There is a subtle difference between experiencing the fear and re-creating it, and experiencing the fear to release it! We are asking you to become more knowledgeable about the way in which you do this, to become more self aware, for of course self awareness is the key to guarding against these old patterns. The more conscious you become of your stuff and the ways in which your ego operates, then the more you will be able to decide that you are not going there! This will be very, very empowering and will make more energy available to you, more energy than you can perhaps imagine right now! Do not be concerned about being overwhelmed by the energy for again, this is under your control. It is totally for you to decide how much you wish to go for something, for you can regulate how much of this energy you take in, how much you absorb, how much you channel through your physical body. Again this is about self awareness, it is about knowing that there is this vast pool available for you, this big cloud of energy above your head and it is for you to simply open your crown chakra and let it in. So when you are in need of energy, when you are desiring to crank up your activities in a certain direction, then all that you need to do is to open, is ask, to ingest this energy for it is a process of infusing your body, so that the energy can pass through into the cellular level. It is quite a different concept from taking the energy in through a linear process, it is more diffuse than that and more full-filling.

So, this is something that you may like to try now, to sit quietly and to sense this energy pool, which is indeed not just above you but is in fact all around you. If you are a kinesthetic person, you will be able to sense this pool around you, if not, you will find it easier to visualize it above your head. In either scenario, the idea is to open yourself to the energy. Firstly become aware of it as it may have a colour or visual content or a sound or a feeling quality or a smell or taste as any or all of your senses are useful in sensing this energy. Go with your primary sense, if you know what that is for you, but in any event that will become apparent as you tune in. There may be heat or cold associated with the energy and qualities that you often associate with physical objects. You may wish to turn up your palms so that you can feel the energy. Become aware of the power of the energy – but know that you are totally in control – you not have to open to any more of it than is comfortable for you. You may like to decide upon a percentage that you wish to draw in to your physical body or you may like to imagine a small trickle, or a larger amount flowing into you – it is up to you. When you feel as if you have had enough, then stop the flow and you may wish to say this out loud! Do not overdo it for your physical body will need time to adjust to the energy, so little and often is the best way for this short exercise – about 10 mins maximum to start with (or less). Allow the energy then to float at a comfortable distance around you when you have finished.

So now we will tell you more about the coming months and help you to understand a little more about this energy that is now available to you. It is energy which is connected to fourth dimensional reality; indeed you are breaking through now into the fourth dimension – you are expanding your physicality, moving beyond your physical limitations. This expansion is really only limited by your belief system, so as you let go of these beliefs in your finite capacity, then you will move more and more into expansion. You may like to test living in a less limited way – many of you will do so in the coming months! You will decide on a particular area of your life and you will take the limiting head chatter out of the equation, even if only for a short while, and you will then experience an equal expansion within your capacity to activate this area, to infuse it, to experience it. You will learn in this way how to use this energy and have it in your control and then you will want more and more to release the old belief systems! You will start to understand how this energy can enhance your life, bringing you satisfaction, fulfillment and joy. So, we do not need to sell it to you for you will experience it for yourselves, but we can tell you that it is the opposite experience to your limiting fear perspective and only when you relinquish your fear can you have the full experience of this energy! You will relinquish your fear little by little, area by area, and there will be no going back - you will not wish to return to the limited fear state once you have moved beyond it, even if you only have this experience in one small area of your life, it will infuse the whole of your energy, the whole of your life, gradually. You will expand more and more, once you have started the process off – it is always the way – the beginning is hardest – once it is moving and flowing then it becomes more effortless. Effortlessness is another keyword for the coming months for as you become infused with this energy, you will not need to put so much effort into activating things in your life – it is as if your intention becomes much more powerful and forges a way ahead in a way that it was not able to do before as so often intention met with resistance, with fear standing in its path and now as you loosen the hold of fear, intention will take you forwards with its own momentum. You will start to understand how intention is everything! Once it has been activated, it cannot help but move you forward towards the intended.

You are beginning to create the new landscape in your lives - new in so very many ways, for in the incarnational experience you have never been at this point before. Earth has never been at this point before and although that may seem obvious, in other ways it is not so obvious, for many of you have been here so very many times and although there have been changes in the circumstances of your past lives, there has been much that has been energetically the same. Now you are truly moving into a new era – bringing down more of your multidimensional or wider, broader, expanded self then you have ever been able to do before. So, there will be much more opportunity, much more potential, much more magic than there has ever been before in your lives here on Earth. For those of you who have landed here for the first time or who have had only a few lives, you will notice even more of a difference and may be better prepared for you will not have run the same cycle over and over and over.

There has been much talk about community, and finding your community and supporting each other and we would tell you that this is the year for doing this – very much so. As you experience the new energy around you, you will light up and be able to recognize each other, your aura will become clearer and more vibrant and you will emit certain colours that will attract other like-minded souls to you. You will almost be magnetically attracted to each other and this will happen easily, you will not have to go out of your way to meet these people, you will simply come into each others’ field of resonance quite naturally – so it will be a joyful time – a time of reunions with souls with whom you may not have met up with for some time, or at least not in the physical body. Of course this process has already begun and many of you have those of longstanding love and companionship with you now, and this will increase and it will be a source of great joy and new pastures for many of you. So, this is the beginning of energetic forecasts for 2010 and we hope that it will inspire you as it inspires us- as we see how great the possibilities and opportunities are for you on the earth.

With love and blessings as always………

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